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Religious Education Program

August 14, 2024 

Dear Parents, 

Registration is now open for our Religious Education classes 2024-2025.

Please complete the online registration form here:


Classes will be held every Sunday from 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM.  Sept. 8th is the first day of school.  Aug. 25th is our first meeting with Catechists, parents, and students.  

If you have any question, please contact Jeanne Matsuda via email


First Holy Communion will be given to 2nd Graders or older students.  Confirmation will be given to 8th Graders or older students. 


We are always in search of Catechists and Catechist Aides.  Kindly consider volunteering to help form the future members and leaders of our Catholic Church.   If you need more information, please reach me by email, text, or phone. 

Thank you very much, and may God keep us always. 




Jeanne C. Matsuda 

Director of Religious Education, Church of the Resurrection

Phone (408) 772-5383 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - OCIA

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process used to bring people into the Roman Catholic Church.  The program is designed for those seeking baptism, as well as those wishing to receive one or more of the other sacraments associated with full initiation into the Church.  If you are already Catholic, but seeking renewal, inspiration, or education in the faith, then RCIA may be right for you as well.


To enable full participation in the Catholic Church, the following sacraments are offered:


  • Baptism – the sacrament that frees us from sin and makes us Children of God.  It is the basis of Christian life and the gateway to all the other sacraments.  

  • Reconciliation – the sacrament that grants forgiveness of sin and reconciles us with the community.

  • Eucharist – the sacrament where Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given.

  • Confirmation – the sacrament that completes our baptismal promise, binds us more perfectly to the Church, and enriches us with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.


There are several distinct periods associated with RCIA:


  • Inquiry – an introduction to the Church; a time for seeking and questioning; an opportunity to begin developing faith.

  • Catechumenate – a period of study, nurturing, and growth in the faith; a process of conversion to Jesus Christ.

  • Purification & Enlightenment - a time of deep reflection and conversion that includes several liturgical celebrations.

  • Mystagogy – a time for new initiates to continue their journey while becoming fully integrated into the life of the Church.


In other words, RCIA is more than a process or a program, it is an invitation to fall in love with Jesus Christ.  Each person is accepted where they are in their faith journey and moved along at an appropriate pace.  Like the dawning of the sunrise, discernment unfolds one day at a time.  Come experience the love that Jesus Christ has for you.  

For more information, contact Deacon Mike Haas (408-616-9315 or

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