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Mass Schedule
5th Sunday in OT, 02/9/2025
Saturday, 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass - Livestream
Sunday, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 am - Livestream
Weekday Masses
Monday - Saturday, 8:15 am
Tuesday and Wednesday, 5:30 pm
Reconciliation every Saturday from 4 to 4:45 pm
Benediction, every Thursday at noon
Support our Church
​​​If you have problems with setting up for online giving, please contact Steve Vonderach at 408-858-1554. Thank you for your generosity!
Contact us
Parish Activities
Financial Reports
2025 ADA Goal: $132,122
Weekly Bulletin
Presider Schedule
Parish Registration
Baptism Registration
Our Mission
To joyfully and actively celebrate the sacraments,
provide lifelong spiritual formation that nourishes our faith,
and lovingly and compassionately serve the world.
Our Vision
To be an enthusiastic, welcoming, and serving Catholic Community of Christ's Disciples.

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